“Christina was absolutely dynamite. Her presentation on book bans and materials challenges for our recent staff development day was as thoughtful as it was invigorating. It encouraged participation from staff but did not make anyone feel "on the spot," and the material presented was empowering to library staff members holding any job title or classification. You won't ever regret hiring her to speak at your library or organization."
Andrea Legg
Director | North Canton Public Library
Here’s a video of a presentation, Profiles of Resilience: Books for Children and Teens That Center the Lived Experiences of Generational Poverty, I gave on poverty and how we as educators can connect/serve children and teens in our spaces. It was first aired through WORDBridge Now on 11/21/21.
I've been presenting for almost 30 years to...
Media Specialists, youth librarians, and teachers at state, national, and international conferences, workshops, courses, and webinars. These include the American Library Association, National Reading Recovery Conference, and the Marantz Symposium at Kent State University, and several more organizations. I currently have a contract to present on Award Winning Books K-6 for the Bureau of Education and Research (BER). See Calendar of Events for dates. I present on many topics:
Book Challenges, Bannings….and Burnings: What’s the Bottom Line and How Can We Be Prepared for It?
Profiles in Resilience: Serving Children and Teens Living in Generational Poverty through Literature
Authentic voices in literature for all children
LGBTQIA+ literature
Bringing authors/illustrators to your school or library
Picture books as art forms
Hooking reluctant readers
Biographies as valuable teaching tools
Trade books as effective early readers
The best of the best new titles
Building a community of readers
Genre studies/ author studies/ illustrator studies
Integrating books and reading into all aspects of the life of your organization
Sharing banned books
Breaking into publishing for your colleagues
Kick Ass Girls in YA Books
And more...simply contact me to inquire: christinadorr1@gmail.com